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My grandfather

March 21, 2015

By Bashir Ahmad Rafiq

I had the privilege to be under the direct guidance of my maternal grandfather Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Ilyas Khan Sahib in my formative years. I was sent at an early age of 6 to Mastung, Baluchistan, where he lived, to stay with him. I stayed there for a year and a half. During this period he was my guardian and teacher. He loved me immensely and prayed for me.

In 1941 he came to Peshawar to live with his son Abdus Salam Khan Sahib, who was my Mamoo (maternal uncle). I was then a grown up child and was 11 years of age. As there was no middle school in my village my Mamoon took me with him to Peshawar and got me admitted to a high school. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib was also staying with his son Abdul Salam Khan Sahib. I remained under his guidance and supervision for another two years.

After school most of my time was spent with him. We used to sleep outside the house in the open during summer months. He used to tell me stories of Prophets and of the Promised Messiah (alaihi Salaam). He used to sprinkle water on my face to wake me up for Fajr prayers. After Fajr he would recite the Holy Quran in a loud voice while I listened to his melodious Tilawat.

Once while in Mastung, Baluchistan, I was accompanying him for an afternoon stroll. We saw that a large number of people were standing on both sides of the road. There was also a large contingent of police. On enquiry we were told that the Khan of Qalat (the Ruler of the Qalat State) was passing through that road. We also stood among the multitude. After a while I saw a convoy of cars with a police escort passing near us. People were shouting welcome slogans and waving to the Khan. When the Khan’s car came in front of us it suddenly stopped. The Khan who was of a huge built got out of his car and came straight towards Hazrat Maulvi Muhammad Ilyas Khan Sahib, my grandfather. He shook Hazrat Maulvi Sahib’s hand and then enquired about me. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib told him that I was his grandson. The Khan said to him, I had invited you several times to come for a few days to Qalat and bless Qalat with your presence but you had never accepted my invitation. I would now take your grandson with me to Qalat so that you were compelled to come and collect him from there. The Khan then grabbed my hand. I started crying, as I got scared that the Khan was going to take me away with him. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib promised that he would spare some time and would visit the Khan. The Khan then requested him to pray for him and his subjects.

In 1928 the Afghan King Amanullah Khan decided to go on a European tour. He boarded the Vice-Regal Special train from Chamman in Balochistan. There was a large crowed at Quetta Railway Station to welcome and greet the King. Among this huge multitude of people was also Hazrat Maulvi Sahib, my grandfather, standing on the platform. The train stopped. The King was standing in the door of his special Saloon responding to the slogans of welcome by the people. Suddenly he disembarked the train and came straight towards Hazrat Maulvi Sahib. Everybody was surprised and alarmed, as the King was not scheduled to disembark the train. His security guards rushed and made a circle of protective shield around him. The King came straight to Hazrat Maulvi Sahib and shook his hands. He then requested Hazrat Maulvi Sahib to pray for him and Afghanistan. The king then returned to his special compartment and the Royal train pulled off. After the train had steamed out of the station, people gathered around him and asked him as to how he knew the King. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib was greatly surprised himself and told the crowd that he had never seen or met the King before and that he did not know why the King came to him and shook his hands. Hazrat Maulvi Sahib always had a celestial glow on his face, which attracted people towards him. May be the King was attracted towards him with the same reason.

Hazrat Maulvi Sahib was a great scholar of the Holy Quran, the Hadith and the Islamic Jurisprudence. People used to flock to his Dars (Commentary) of the Holy Quran in Peshawar and Mastung, Balochistan. His Friday sermons were treasures of knowledge.

In December 1958 I had a farewell meeting with Hazrat Musleh Maud Khalifatul Masih Thani, May Allah be pleased with him, before leaving for England. At the end of the meeting I requested Huzoor to give me some advice. Huzoor said,

“Follow in the footsteps of your grandfather. He should be a roll model for you in life.”

In 1964 I was the Deputy Imam of the London Mosque. One night I saw my grandfather in a dream. He embraced me for a long time and then took off his cloak and asked me to wear it. I wore it. After a few days I was appointed the Imam of the London Mosque and Missionary In charge. I then interpreted the dream. The wearing of my grandfather’s cloak to signified my becoming an Imam.

Hazrat Maulvi Sahib was a charming, cheerful and handsome person. He was always dressed in white Shalwar Qamees and a white turban. He was very particular about cleanliness of his dress. Every morning he would neatly comb his beard.

In 1947 I was serving in Furqan Force in Kashmir when I heard the news of his demise. Innalillahi wa inna alai hi rajoon.

From → The Book

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